Thursday, July 26, 2012

Grandma's Recipes - fried okra

Memories of my Grandmother are always in my heart and close by. I don't think a day goes by she doesn't cross my mind for one reason or another.

Today I'm making one of her dishes a family favorite of ours for sure. **this recipe is not heart <3 healthy but it is made with love and patience because that is exactly what it takes!
Love because I loved it as a child, as did my Father. I remember my Grandmother making home made fried okra and me sitting on the bar stool watching, talking and learning from her as she sliced, breaded and fried the okra till it was cooked to the point of being crunchy!

I'm not kidding it takes a couple of hours in order to follow her recipe. She laid them flat and used a fork to turn them individually as do I. This step is what it takes to cook them all evenly as she did. I walk off and do something else while they fry in the skillet and it works well.

Patience well to spend the time it takes frying them speaks for itself. I never understood why we only had in once in a while, maybe a couple of times a year. Now grown, fixing it myself I totally get it. It is a special treat.

The funny thing is that as the smell of it fills your kitchen the 1st batch is always eaten because it takes so long so she always cooked enough for 3-4 batches and so do I.

Okay here's the recipe, simple as that!

  • Fresh Okra sliced or Frozen sliced; thawed in a bowl
  • Sprinkle with Kosher Salt and then
  • Pour Cornmeal over it.
  • Use your hands and make sure every piece is coated. Just keep adding until they are covered. 

Heat vegetable oil in pan or electric skillet till frying temperature.
( test with a popcorn kernel it will pop or the end of a wooden spoon, bubbles will be all over the bottom )

Put okra into hot oil 1/2 " deep in single layer; fry until brown, then using a fork flip over the pieces that are most done 1st. Let go until they are brown. I say about 30 minutes; then scoop them out onto paper towel lined cookie sheet and sprinkle with more Kosher Salt.


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