Friday, February 7, 2014

Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire

Hey! We moved in December and this is my 1st post of the year!

Chestnuts roasting on an open fire, Jack Frost Nipp'n at your nose..... This is how the magic of Christmas goes. Every since I was a little girl I've dreamed of living out this song.   It's so wonderful, makes you feel all warm inside.  However, like so many things when you finally get them, do them or both they leave you quite stunned! 

So, with Christmas finally over, Valentine's less than a week away......Jack Frost is more than nipping at your nose, your toes and Mother Nature taking a dump on all my little spring baby budding bulbs peeking up with snow, snow and yes, more snow! 

So being more or less stuck inside cause it's too cold out and the cold/flu season is in full swing we are entertaining ourselves with things inside.   We had a fire, I thought whoopee I can finally roast my chestnuts on an open fire! All 6 of them! I wasn't sure we'd like them and those little suckers are expensive .  So 3 of us 2 nuts each.  

They started to smell and we decided to take them off.  I was telling my husband this was so exciting it's just like my favorite movie with Ben Affleck called Surviving Christmas where he's got the pan of chestnuts and he's roasting them on an open fire.   We get the nut cracker and crack them open, I'm so excited I can't hardly wait! The shell is almost like paper thin and coming off so easy! The nut is almost as big as the shell and looks like a little brain, I go to take a bite and it is like a rock! Seriously, what? I must be missing something!  I'm now going to research out about them as I was disappointed but thought it was so funny I just had to share.   

In life so many things are just wonderful, part of a magical childhood fantasy or memory only to discover it was not at all what you had hoped for.  I thank God everyday for everything and for tonight's laugh about something I've wanted to do my whole life!   I just had to share.   May your day be filled with Sunshine Joy and Smiles.        

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