Saturday, August 31, 2013


First let me say:  911 is available to help when there is an emergency except in my case I was lead into danger.

When coming home North on 287 traveling from Waxahachie, Texas back home to North West of Fort Worth when the speed limit is 60 mph my cruise control set just talking with my daughter and all of the sudden saw what looked like an accident in front of us and cars in both lanes stopping.

We continued to the cars that by the time we came upon them were going 30 mph and trying to see what was happening I was in the left lane, scooted onto the shoulder and realized it was a car 2 cars in front of me causing the issue.  There was no hazard lights but what didn't make sense was the car in the right lane not wanting to pass the Red car which was causing the issue.  After a mile of this I passed the red car on the shoulder to continue my route.

Then the other cars speed up and started to pass the red car and go in both lanes, when within just a few seconds the Red car then blew by me on the right lane going at least in the 80's or 90's because I was back up to 60 and almost clipped the right front finder of my vehicle to get in front of me, slam on his brakes and then get into the right lane and stop!  All cars now again stopped on the road and the man waving his large arms out the window motioning for me to come beside him!  At that time I am scared beyond belief and my 12 year old daughter starting to really get scared as she was in the passenger seat and he was on her side.  

She said call 911 and I was already on the phone dialing them.  After a couple minutes the man began traveling again, I was on the phone with 911 a total of 22 minutes giving location, and exits he was passing all while telling them the car was Red, weaving and everything that had happened  when they transferred me to Arlington dispatch.  I was instructed that officers were in route, to follow him and to put on my flashers.  I explained that I had my daughter in the car and she was frightened and crying.  I was assured over and over, giving them every exit and following this Red car that weaved in an out of lanes, and would slow down to 30 or 40 then speed back up.  

I was instructed to continue following at 75 miles and hour to see if I could see his license plate and neither I nor my daughter could read it, I told the person on the other end that his plate light was dingy and license looked yellowish,  all while following him and then they asked if I could continue and I said only if he keeps going my way!  I continued following and telling them what he was doing all the way from Middleothian all the way to West Forth Worth when he almost hit an 18 wheeler that had to swerve to not be hit and the Red car got off at exit 440B.   I repeated where he got off several times and they assured me the officers would find him.

My daughter was now crying on the phone with her Daddy my husband and I then called him from my phone to begin telling him as we were both shaking what had just happened when a call came in and my husband says maybe it's the police so I answered and it was.

The lady on the phone stated that the officers wanted to talk to me that they wanted my statement.
I told her that I was getting closer to home and that my husband wanted me not to go but she said, "Mam, it's just down the road, the officers are at the gas station waiting for you."   She said it was just a few miles down the road and well it was way more, like 8 or more exits before I found it all while talking to her and asking her to stay on the phone with me as I didn't know why I had to go all the way back, why couldn't the officer just call me?   

So, as I pull off I-20 to Forest Hill exit as instructed she's asking "do you see an officer at a gas station?"  I told her No, and listed what I was seeing.  Finally, there's a burnt out Shell station sign and we pull in.  My daughter says Mommy I really need to go to the bathroom, and as we pull in I know that it is dangerous and she cannot go here.  From that point the sweet lady in dispatch who will remain nameless tells me it's okay, I'm here with you, the officers are trying to find you.  I said how can you help me on the phone, as we stick out like a sore thumb in this area.  I then see the car in front of me with 2 men and there are lots of cars and loitering at this Shell/7-11 off Forest Hill.  

I keep asking her "where are they" she repeats" they are as lost as me and cannot find me!"  the men in front of me then threw their beers out the passenger window into a pile of drank beer cans and then looked at us a drove off.  I am in the process telling her everything that is happening and we were starting to be noticed and she then told me to leave!   Are you freaking kidding me?
"What happened" I asked.   She said for my safety to then go home!  I was told they did find the Red car and that the man would be off the streets tonight and that she and the entire city apologized to me and she was sorry........

My adrenalin was off the charts and all I wanted to do was to get home, safely.   We started back home when I realized just how far back I had traveled to have my daughter and I put in danger to sit there like sitting ducks just asking for trouble.  

Not only did the police NEVER find me, with my hazards lights on, on the phone with dispatch giving play by play description and exits and mile markers but then had me go to a very bad part of town and sit alone and they never showed!

I am following up with the department and will do again on Tuesday when the regular work shift is there because this was the scariest, extremely dangerous situation that I was in because I tried to help get this insane Red car off the road.  The police never came to help and directed us to danger.  We today, Saturday are extremely tired and feel off and can't shake what happened last night.  

We have thanked God for our protection and his grace keeping us safe.  From this incident I have to say I will report things like this in the future but will NEVER AGAIN follow instructions to put me and my family in danger again.  In the moment, I was just following what the police asked me to do.  
My wish is for this post to make everyone aware to make the call, but realize it is not my job nor yours to do what I was asked to do by any means.  May the Lord protect everyone from what could be an extremely dangerous situation that we were blessed to be protected from.   

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