Tuesday, September 2, 2014


Fall is just around the corner, the Autumn winds are near and leaves starting to fall!  School just started back and even though I'm ready for the cooler temperatures it will be a while longer. Texas heat always lasts longer than most as we hit 97 degrees today, swim daily and our AC runs like crazy! That makes no difference to me as I along with the stores are starting to decorate for fall now so I have time to enjoy.  

Pumpkin smoothies are so delicious and easy to make and sometimes I don't have enough ice for a smoothie or don't want the water effect of it so I bought the cutest little Pumpkin Silicone Ice Tray at the $ Tree and with that said I was thinking pumpkin ice cubes how cute!  Yes, they are!  So I opened a can of plain Pumpkin and filled the little tray up and then just pop out Pumpkin Cubes for smoothies and our puppies love them as their special treats!  

When we are outside they get something cool and good for them.  Pumpkin is good for our pets digestion and they love it! Simple easy, fun things for fall.   

Hope you enjoy and have fun with fall too :)
May your days be filled with Sunshine Joy & Smiles

Monday, April 14, 2014


It's been way to long since my last post and for that I am sorry!  We moved in December and it has taken a while to get settled but I'm hoping to get back to doing 1 a week if not more starting with one of my very favorite ways to use Bananas in a healthy recipe! So here we go!

My Tropical Chicken Salad Recipe as promised.... it's mine and if you know me I only measure things when baking so I'll do my best to share what I do!

3 cups cooked chicken - I shred ours because it tastes better and we don't like cubed chicken....to us it's weird.
4 celery stalks - rinsed and sliced
1 cup Low Fat Hellman's Mayonnaise
1 tsp Curry powder
1 can 11 oz. of Mandarin Oranges - no sugar added, drained
1 can 20 oz. chunk pineapple ( I use fresh most and about 2 cups )
2 Large Bananas sliced
Cashews and or Flaked Un-sweetened Coconut for stir in's  

In large bowl like the one I used, mix mayo and curry, then add chicken & celery and stir well until coated... you may need to add more of the mayo and curry... stir in bananas and pineapple still coated then gently fold in the mandarin oranges and enjoy!  This is also when you would add the Cashews or Peanuts.  I use which ever we have on hand.  We serve on lettuce.   It is refreshing and healthy!  Hope you all enjoy!  Feel free to share!   I would love to hear your comments!

Till next time, may your day be filled with sunshine, joy and smiles :)


Friday, February 7, 2014

Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire

Hey! We moved in December and this is my 1st post of the year!

Chestnuts roasting on an open fire, Jack Frost Nipp'n at your nose..... This is how the magic of Christmas goes. Every since I was a little girl I've dreamed of living out this song.   It's so wonderful, makes you feel all warm inside.  However, like so many things when you finally get them, do them or both they leave you quite stunned! 

So, with Christmas finally over, Valentine's less than a week away......Jack Frost is more than nipping at your nose, your toes and Mother Nature taking a dump on all my little spring baby budding bulbs peeking up with snow, snow and yes, more snow! 

So being more or less stuck inside cause it's too cold out and the cold/flu season is in full swing we are entertaining ourselves with things inside.   We had a fire, I thought whoopee I can finally roast my chestnuts on an open fire! All 6 of them! I wasn't sure we'd like them and those little suckers are expensive .  So 3 of us 2 nuts each.  

They started to smell and we decided to take them off.  I was telling my husband this was so exciting it's just like my favorite movie with Ben Affleck called Surviving Christmas where he's got the pan of chestnuts and he's roasting them on an open fire.   We get the nut cracker and crack them open, I'm so excited I can't hardly wait! The shell is almost like paper thin and coming off so easy! The nut is almost as big as the shell and looks like a little brain, I go to take a bite and it is like a rock! Seriously, what? I must be missing something!  I'm now going to research out about them as I was disappointed but thought it was so funny I just had to share.   

In life so many things are just wonderful, part of a magical childhood fantasy or memory only to discover it was not at all what you had hoped for.  I thank God everyday for everything and for tonight's laugh about something I've wanted to do my whole life!   I just had to share.   May your day be filled with Sunshine Joy and Smiles.