Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Serving Others & My Freak Accident! God Has My Back

Friday, February 8, 2013
Today was a beautiful sunny, nice day.  I woke up to see Kendall in the kitchen with the special tray
making a breakfast and she said Mommy, I was making you breakfast in bed!  I asked her for what?  Why?
Because "I love you and just wanted to, I just felt I needed too, but why are you up?" Yes, I was a little taken by the "I needed too?" but we just enjoyed the start of our day.....then...

I asked her the same thing, why are you up?  She proceeded to tell me that Saji our 4 year old indoor outdoor kitty wanted outside.  He in himself is a cool cat to say the least.  He comes in at night, around her bed time and follows her to bed, where he proceeds to make biscuits/knead a certain pillow or stuffed animal on Kendall's bed until he's comfortable to settle in for a good nights sleep.  This day he decided he wanted to go out at a little early so she was up!

So my precious girl had not completed her special surprise but we enjoyed a perfect breakfast together and she completed all her school work and did her chores all before 11 am!  I love my sweet girl and her awesome spirit, full of wonder, delight, love and joy to share!  :)  ( also she is a tween and we do have our days, thanking God today was not one! )

Okay, so leading up to my accident was "Our day was all about serving" and I didn't get that until blogging our day!  Thank you God; He has my back!  Serving others; being a blessing, a light to others without realizing this is how our entire day went.  This is the prayer that I pray as we drive away from our home but we didn't this day because we had my best friend/sister Kendall's godmother with us.  She called and wanted to go see mom with us today and at the same time we could then take her to pick up her truck from being worked on.  We were ready to leave and was excited as we were eating to fix a little snack lunch for her as she rode with us on our journey into town.  

We all 3 went into to see Mom, who was not having a good day but did say upon my entering the room; she loved me.... :)   We spent a little over an hour with her.  We left and made a couple of stops and then took her to her truck.  

Kendall and I then headed down the road where we stopped at Walmart for the items to make the Black Bean Enchilada Casseroles 1 for our friend who lost a family member and have a funeral tomorrow and 1 for us.  Kendall and I came home, unloaded the groceries and I remembered I had a bowl of scrap bones and meat I'd had in the fridge to take down to the tank to feed the wild critters, since I don't do that from our back fence anymore.  

Our driveway is well, almost 1/4 mile long, curves in a couple of places and is a white, dusty, rocky road.  It is a white rock gravel that over the years only outlines the path we drive, and creates a dust cloud when we drive down it, much like the Road Runner chasing the Coyote in the cartoons, leaving our cars filthy no matter what we do.  Texas has been in drought for a couple of years and the tank only filled a little this last December/January from a couple of quick but drenching storms.

We drove down the drive 1/2 way to the tank, parked the car and walked around to see the tracks of each animal that visits.  We left the food, and I hopped back into the car, but Kendall wanted to walk the driveway.  I always follow behind her so you know it's slow.  I'm looking out the window, following and felt the back right of my slip and jolt me?  I felt something and before I knew it; I heard a loud noise, felt my steering wheel jerk, scrapping I can hear but can't see!!! The tree I used for guidance was now 4 feet off the road;  I could see Kendall turn around; she was about 20 feet in front of me to see her running back to me.  I was stunned.  I looked at Holly, my Pomeranian who was in the seat beside me and realized I had hit something.  

I was starting to get out of the car and my husband was calling, I answered and was telling him just what happened as I was getting out of the car and walking around to survey the damage.  I could not believe my eyes!!!  The 2 trees that line my drive have always had ample amount of brush surrounding them and I have backed up our driveway like " Lightning Steve McQueen from Cars" as I have done for over 10 years but this time was going extremely slow, and Kendall wasn't with me.  

I was so upset by this, how in the world could this happen?  Really?  This day all we had done is help a friend, spend time with Mom, talk about her treatment and make sure she's getting everything she needs, use our limited grocery budget to bless another family, then come home to relax, fix dinner then remember we need to feed the wild critters with the food I'd been saving for today's feed to only then have the back end of my car almost be wiped out!? The tail light is is the little tree and it shattered into many pieces!  I thank God we are okay but still very upset by what I see.

I tell Kendall to get in the car, finish explaining to David just what had happened.  He and my daughter both said,  "the enemy is trying to ruin your day!"  Kendall said it first, then David; almost word for word my precious family kept me from losing it and being so caught up in anger and emotions as they were all over me.  It took me about 20 minutes before my spirit heard what they were relaying to me.  God has my back!  No joke, He is always with me, protecting me, showing me grace, love and forgiveness.  I need Him to show me why am I so stubborn I jump to other emotions before realizing His undeniable compassion and mercy.

My car was hurt, my daughter was not in it, she was fine.  My little Holly was fine and so was I.  
This day was about serving and Kendall started the day blessing me; as I moved through the day being a blessing to completing the final good deed of feeding wild life.  Thank You Father God for saving me, helping me realize You and only You can.  God has my back!

May your day be filled with SunShine, Joy and Smiles........ may God bless you and remember He has your back!


  1. I had to smile when I read your post. I backed up into a large oak on our property. Sadly, it was in sight of the entire work crew building our home. I was stunned when I hit something solid. What was that?! My boys could not believe it. I have also backed out of the garage without making sure the door was entirely up! I must say that those are my only two accidents, so all in all, not bad. God does have our back in ALL things! I am anxious to Follow you, but see the follow button is not working on any blogspots. Will be back when it is operational. Thank you for replying to my question about your break. You have been very helpful. I can't wait until I can snap my fingers!
    Blessings from Still Woods Farmhouse

    1. Well thanks so much! Turns out we are walking along the same type path but yet different. Not sure about the follow button I'm just learning the blog stuff as I go! So far the only people that follow me are me and my awesome husband! I guess it's ready to share with FB friends but just haven't let everyone know yet. Thanks for being my blog friend :) The finger snapping took a long time and my daughter asked me to show her a round-off or cart-wheel a couple of weeks ago but I'm hesitant to put all my weight on it at once so haven't. I wonder if I will again; hmmm, mabybe this summer. Have a super weekend and God bless your day :)
