Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Weekly Wednesday Paydays

Michelle McNiel feeling blessed
I'm so excited! I just realized today is Wednesday before a holiday and #BAMM...... my bank account got #happy happy happy.... it's my weekly payday.... woo hoo! Shazaam!

Day 27: I am thankful that I took the wonderful opportunity to join #Nerium. It has changed our lives! The financial plan is unmatched like no other.... 13 ways to get paid and even though I don't know them all I am thankful I get paid every week on top of my monthly! I am thankful that this is the beginning, that David & Kendall get to be a part of everything I do and that we have met some of the most incredible people we now call friends. Thankful beyond measure and wishing everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving.

I absolutely had to share this on my blog because truly I have wanted a job that paid me every week.
I have not worked since God blessed me with my baby girl Kendall.  Kendall is now 12 years old.  
During this time we have been blessed to make it through but we have struggled beyond measure.  I will not go into details but I will say that we have pawned things to buy groceries and or pay bills.  We have struggled, but managed.  My precious husband has worked 2 jobs most of this time and never complained.  I have tried everything from making "Pampered Pet Perfections" Dog Treats for a rented booth, to selling and doing shows for Pampered Chef.  I also tried my best to sell and make income with and not limited to:  Melalucca, Avon, Pampered Chef, #Mary-Kay not once but 3 times....not a charm.... to #Scentsy twice, which I just love, still love, but had to sell a certain amount in a certain amount of time and pay for my website; which no-one ever visited, to Arbonne, which I never made 1$ off of but used it all for my skin because I have always taken care of my skin and have done anything to keep it healthy and beautiful..... not for anyone but for .... me.

With this said; my dear, precious friend that in past had joined some other businesses that did not help my family in anyway... cost me money to join.. to have the websites and been required to sell..never blessed me like this last one.  When I heard from her my husband was totally against it as I have done everything out there and only ended up stressing and costing us time and money that we did not have.  Nerium has a video called The Last Run Club and there is a reason because it is The Last Run.
Nerium is the last company that I will have to join, it has the financial game plan to bless my family beyond measure, to make friendships to last a lifetime, to having the chance to dream again because I truly had forgotten how. I will retire my husband, I will earn a Lexus before that and all by just sharing something I believe in and because the company believes in everyone like me.  

There was a video that my friend Steve Kelller made me do when I first signed on with Nerium and he posted it to you-tube, and honestly, it freaked me out but I can look back at it and tear up, because I had a dream.  My dream then in May was to be able to have gasoline to go see my mom, whenever I wanted.  My mother is in a nursing home 18 miles away.  That was my reality... until now, until Nerium.    This little skincare, that has changed the way I see myself, feel about myself, to what is being broadcast in #CBS #News in California.... Nerium is #REAL people Real Results....  

My wish is for everyone to know about this opportunity to truly change your lives, not carry product, not have to meet a quota, to truly be your own boss.  You are not alone, you have the expert Lexus earners and above guiding a state of the art, hands down "the Tiffany" of websites at your disposal for a minimal investment in the fastest anti-aging industry around!  We grew 3,900% last year in our 1st full year of business!  Nerium is being noticed and on #TheView for a reason.  

Thankful.... I am because... this isn't all over my blog, nor all over my FB but I will and do share when I feel I need to and with Thanksgiving tomorrow ( now today ) to Christmas Holiday's it is a financial blessing to get paid weekly when it is needed the most and doing nothing more that what you see on this post.  I simply share, FB or this blog when I feel it is needed and I have to much to post on FB and need to get it out!   
God bless you as you read this and if I can help you in anyway, answer any ?'s please let me know because my job is to help you get your money back to you and beyond as soon as possible.  There is a 30 day money back guarantee for a reason!  This is the time to make your financial future yours... your dream...wonderful... that you may enjoy everyday to bless others to have this opportunity.   

Happy Thanksgiving and may your day be blessed beyond measure!

Thursday, November 14, 2013


Eggnog love to say it................. love to drink bake it, make it, share it~

Holidays bring Eggnog into the store's dairy section and as soon as I spy it, I buy it!  
We love the creamy taste of it and it's a family favorite to all top with fresh grated nutmeg right on top of our glass~

Eggnog is such a versatile, holiday flavor that can be used in so many things.  If you can use milk, why not try eggnog?  So as soon as we have a couple of glasses I realize time to get creative and use it up.

1st up:  Eggnog French Toast  

4 slices of bread
3 eggs
3/4 cup eggnog
1/2 tsp nutmeg

Mix the eggs, eggnog and nutmeg together, while your griddle gets heated or pan is melting butter.
I like them best on the griddle because the butter in the pan takes away the flavor of the eggnog and they taste like an egg in a frame to us.

Cook till golden brown on each side and then enjoy with your favorite syrup...

May your Holidays be filled with Sunshine Joy and Smiles,

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Christmas Sugar

Happy Holidays & yes, they are!

As we approach Thanksgiving and Christmas my mind is filled with excitement and joy!  I think of all the ways I can make each day during the holidays just a little more festive and special.  

Today, simplicity at it's best but will make you smile and feel special every time you see and use it!

Christmas Sugar
Sugar + Green and Red Colored Sugar
Mix together and enjoy!

I smile, every time I use it, for my coffee, tea and sprinkled on buttered bread for Kendall.  Just think you can do this for all Holidays and always have a sweet reason to smile!   :)

May your day be filled with SunShine Joy and Smiles,

Monday, November 11, 2013

Chipotle-Garlic Roasted Pumpkin Seeds

PUMPKIN              pumpkin                 Pumpkin     Garlic    Chipotle       #Yummy-licious!

After having the pumpkin around for a while it was time for a decision and so instead of wasting it this year we decided to carve the pumpkin & then sliced it to fit onto baking sheets and baked 350 for about an hour till the skin could be punctured by a fork and then scraped it out to freeze and use as needed instead of canned!
 I'm so excited as there always seems to be some grit in the canned pumpkin, no matter what brand, no matter what I make especially pumpkin pies...I'm very picky about textures and for the life of me can't figure out what the grit is and everyone I ask says they realize that too so from now on this is how we roll~

The exciting thing for me was to just make Pumpkin Seeds like I wanted, no recipe and hands down the best I've ever had!

The seeds from 1 large pumpkin.  
Olive oil
Mrs Dash Southwest Chipotle 
Granulated Garlic

Put seeds in a bowl fill with water, whisk away the pulp and it's amazingly fast.  

Next drain seeds, I used a paper towel to get excess moisture off.  

In the bowl of seeds, I poured about 2 tbs Olive Oil, and then covered the top of them liberally with the Chipoltle and Garlic.  Baked at 350 for about 15 or so minutes ( I checked when I started smelling them)  and totally amazed how nutty ad good they came out! 

Hope I've inspired you to Save A Pumpkin and use it all up! 

Happy Fall & May your lives be filed with Sunshine Joy and Smiles.  

Oh my goodness.....  happy happy happy    :)

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Eggnog Christmas Tea Bread

The Holidays are upon us!  I love Christmas and my gosh anything that has Eggnog I must try!  Me & my family love everything with that special treat we get only once a year and so I start making it as soon as I see Eggnog on the shelves the store!

It's the most special flavor, the creaminess, the sweetness and the nutmeg just make me smile thinking about it!  I have several recipes that I make every year that use Eggnog and even a special after dinner drink with a very special Eggnog Treat.... that will come...later in the season... so if you love the holidays, recipes, crafts follow my blog and let me share my passion, joy and love of the season with you!   Okay, enough said about that.

This is one of the 1st recipes I make every year for the past 12 now.  The 1st time I made this recipe my baby (Kendall) was only 6 months old, my precious Grandmother was having a visitor over and wanted us to come share a day with her and her special childhood friend.  She was at the time 85!  So I baked this special holiday bread and it was the delight of all of us and has been ever since.  We enjoy it now with coffee just as I did with my Grandmother 12 years ago.   As I prepare to make it, I smile, and remember.
I remember that day and it is such a wonderful memory it makes this recipe extra special for me and my family.

I hope it is as special to you and your family as it is to ours.  Quick enough to prepare and oh so divine.
Here we go, the ingredients:

Eggnog Christmas Tea Bread

2 1/4 cup all-purpose flour
1 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
3/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg * ( I grate over the finest grater a nutmeg whole spice for fresh, and I store them in the freezer; ziploc bag to keep for all nutmeg recipes and to put on a glass of the special holiday concoction)
3/4 teaspoon salt
1 cup granulated sugar
3/4 cup butter, softened ( 1 1/2 sticks )
3 eggs
1 cup Eggnog

* optional 10 oz. jar of maraschino cherries, drained and chopped

Preheat oven to 325 degrees.       Grease bottom and sides of loaf pan.  ( I use Crisco and a silicone brush to spread it, I got tired of buying the expensive sprays, and the loaf pops right out with this method!)

Chop the cherries, place on paper towel, pat dry

In small bowl, mix flour, baking powder, nutmeg and salt; set aside.

In Mixer or Large Bowl, beat sugar and butter on high speed of electric mixer until light and fluffy :)

On medium speed, add 1 egg at a time until blended.  Add 1/3 of flour mixture, beating on low speed just till combined.  Beat in 1/2 of eggnog, then add another 1/3 of flour mix, the remaining 1/2 of eggnog, then remaining flour....beat after each ingredient just until combined.  ( this is when you gently fold in cherries if you choose)  Pour into greased loaf pan.

Bake 1 hour, 15 to 20 minutes.... till knife inserted in center of loaf comes out clean.  ( it smells so festive )
Cool in pan.  Loosen sides of loaf; remove and serve on festive platter, store under cake dome, or just slice away in the loaf pan.  Most of all......think of Christmas, remember the people you love, sit back and enjoy for a festive brunch, afternoon tea or holiday dessert.  

From my house to yours; may your holidays be filled with sunshine, joy and smiles,
from our house to yours :)

I'd love to hear your Christmas memory, and if you enjoy this recipe :)

We love the cherries and even sneak a few to see if we can tie the stems, apparently the 3 of us like to compete!  With that said, yes, more holiday fun.... who can tie the knot in the cherry stem fastest gets the 1st slice!

Happy Holidays and come back soon for more Eggnog recipes!