Sunday, April 28, 2013

My new skincare Nerium has changed my life

They say beauty is only skin deep or in the eyes of the beholder and with all this said what truly matters is how you feel about yourself, at least that's how I feel on the subject.

I do care about my face and my skin.  I have noticed over the past couple of years, a few lines here and there, texture differences like little circle patches that aren't that obvious but I sure noticed, uneven skin tone and enlarged pores.  My face had picked up a little red tinge and the big concern for me was and I mean was the spot in-between my eyes above my nose.  It had a patch of one of those skin textured circle areas, and always looked like I was scowling or like I was thinking hard.  Whatever the look that spot was getting worse and upsetting me like no ones business.

I've used Clinique, Arbonne and Mary Kay for all my life and nothing, I mean nothing, gave me results like Nerium.  I had a 3 UR Free party yesterday and when talking with my business partner who was answering ?'s I thanked her and told her how much I loved my Nerium and what it has done for me in just the 11 days since I started using it.  In the process, I told her how my husband told me how beautiful I was and he didn't see why I was concerned with my skin.  He asked me to show him the spots that bother me.  I didn't want him to see what I was looking at until I could see it helping.  14 years of marriage I didn't want him to then focus on what I myself was embarrassed about until I could see a difference.

With this said:  I closed my eyes and snapped a shot.  It looks like I'm thinking hard and I was relaxed and my face was a little red.  ( Understand, I didn't really notice that until my skin started looking better and you'll see in the photo)

I was getting happier and happier every morning when I looked in the mirror and on day 11 I decided to take another shot of my trouble spot.

When I put them side by side the joy I felt was over whelming!  This simple, easy to use, single product has done something that everything else not only allowed to happen but could not fix!  This is me, this is my story and it's not over by any means!  This product is meant to take photo as 30 days and again at 90!!!
Can you even imagine the difference I'm going to see?  I am so excited I want everyone to have this feeling.
I'm happy to see myself in the mirror in the morning, I got carded at Walmart yesterday buying wine for my Wine and No Wrinkly Party!  The cashier seriously did not believe me and that made my day.  She was probably in her mid to late 20's.

So I'm going to give you the link to my website and you can too experience this!  There is a 30 day $$ back guarantee!  Contact me directly if you want I would love to share with you and help encourage you in any way I possibly can.

The hardest part of Nerium for me is having to wait till bed time to put it on!

p.s.  My husband loves it because I'm actually going to bed on time instead of hanging on Pintrest all night!

My before and after 11 day spot!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Mmm Turkey Chili

Well yesterday we were at the park, wearing shorts and today it's cold windy and 40 degrees cooler!

Laugh out loud! That's Texas for ya!
To go along with this cold and not have to leave I used stuff I had on hand. We had gone camping this past weekend and I had bell pepper and onions that needed to be used when it occurred to me chili!

Super quick, easy, healthy and delicious!

1lb ground turkey
1 bell pepper, diced
1 onion, diced
1 cup chicken broth or 14 oz can
1 large can tomato sauce
2 tsp chili powder or more ;)
1/2 tsp allspice
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp paprika
1 can black beans, rinsed and drained
2 tsp cider vinegar

Put a little oil into skillet, brown turkey with onion and bell peppers, break up and cook until no longer pink.

Combine all ingredients into slow cooker or just add to skillet for super quick dinner.
Simmer till done 4-5 hours on low or
Cover skillet let cook 30 to 45 minutes.
The longer the better for the flavors to really infuse. Enjoy!

May this dish bring SunShineSmilesamdJoy to you and your family :)

Monday, April 22, 2013

Non-GMO, Organic, Toaster Pastries

I was so excited to find these at Walmart today I just had to share! Both of these products are Organic & Non-GMO!!! The best part is they are delicious and I didn't have to make them! Woo hoo I felt like I hit the jackpot and wanted to share!

Who hasn't bought Pop Tarts? Every once in a while I do & then remember why we don't ( unless it's their Gingerbread or Hot Chocolate )

2.98 for each and my daughter and I both like them. :)

May they bring you SunShineJoyandSmiles :)

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Pizza Cheese Toast

We all love pizza but don't like the frozen ones and it occurred to me I needed to use some bread before our camping trip this weekend and pizza toast just popped into my mind.

I had everything to make it so I did and my 11 year old daughter said "it's the best!" So easy here it is:

Pepper Jack Cheese or Mozzarella, shredded
Tomato paste
Itialian Seasoning
Granulated Garlic

Put some tomato paste on your bread
Sprinkle with spices
Top with pepperoni
Then shredded cheese

I put my toaster oven on medium and just perfect timing, just till cheese melts!

Pizza Toast = quick, delicious lunch

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

A Meal in One - Favorite Pepperoni Pasta Salad

I always love pasta salads and they are sometimes so expensive. I have discovered instead of paying 4$ for a small container I can make enough for a party but t feed my family two times, understanding that we all have 2nd and 3rds! Super quick, easy and a family favorite!

1pkg Pepperoni, I use 1/2 a pack and slice in 1/2 (so I can make again or use for pizza cheese toast )
1 box or pkg Veggie Pasta
1 or 2 cans black olives, drained
1 pkg grape tomatoes, rinsed
1 pkg Feta cheese, crumbled
1 green bell pepper, diced
1/2 bottle Italian Dressing

I use extra spices and we like a lot I don't measure it's for your taste of:

Granulated Garlic
Italian Seasoning

Boil the pasta, while its cooking according to package directions grab a colander and rinse your tomatoes, dump in your black olives ( I do not rinse these just put right into colander ) chop your bell pepper & slice the pepperoni and separate after.

Transfer Pepperoni, Tomatoes, black olives and bell pepper in a large serving dish or container and add your Feta cheese.

Use the colander again to strain pasta, rinse with cold water and add to container.

Add your Italian Dressing and spices if you choose, chill and enjoy!

That simple and delicious :)

Mini Greenhouses up-cycling

I believe last week was our last freeze and even though I'm a little late our weather in Texas will still cooperate for my vegetable/fruit garden.

I purchased the clear lid box at the $tree and cut TP rolls in 1/2 filled with potting soil, tucked some seeds in and watered and put into a sunny windowsill! So easy and excited about all our free organic veggies!

The up-cycled egg crate I placed a wet paper towel down and then seeds on top just 2 days ago and the okra is already starting to sprout!!

It is so easy and affordable to start this way as I have in the past paid and bought mini green houses and peat pots but discovered this is somewhat free and can be used again and again.

May all your garden wishes come true what you plant and take care of will come to you!