Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Up cycle from an Old bottle to Laundry Loot

Today we were graced with a cold front blowing in that brought much needed rain and with it some amazing skies, I am always amazed at God's masterpiece that is breathtakingly beautiful. Just look!

Kendall and I had finished school and always trying to clean, organize ad find use for things I came across a Patron bottle that I've held onto for years because I loved the shape and knew I could find a use for it someday.

Well, today was that moment! I don't have a cricket, my husband is the production manager at a sign company and I didn't want to wait and realized I do have lots of scrap booking supplies! :)

1 old, cool bottle and some vinyl stickers 5 minutes later and now have something neat to hold the change I always find!  My husband was pleasantly surprised, it's just the little things that can make you smile.

Wishing you a very craft-like, fun day!  Just look around to see what you can find, you may surprise yourself with your own creation! Turning trash into treasure  :)

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