Saturday, July 28, 2012

Christmas in July

I have loved Christmas my entire life and it is very big in our family. The other day we were at Brookshires buying something to make for dinner and Kendall comes running up to me and says "Mommy they have Blue Bell Christmas in July Ice Cream!" with her big blue-green eyes filled with excitement.

Tugging at my arm please can we please get some? Please!? How could I say no? So I read the package and it talked about Christmas cookies, chocolate chip, snicker-doodle, sugar cookies, frosting and sprinkles in the ice cream. You guessed it I couldn't get it home quick enough to have some!!

As I'm not much of an ice cream eater Kendall and I finished it in 2 days. David had a bowl :) it is that good.There are actually tiny cookies in it!! We all love it and couldn't pick our favorite cookie because they were all so good.

So if you want a quick Christmas treat in the hot summer try this for it will put a smile on your face and a little Christmas joy in your heart :)

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Grandma's Recipes - fried okra

Memories of my Grandmother are always in my heart and close by. I don't think a day goes by she doesn't cross my mind for one reason or another.

Today I'm making one of her dishes a family favorite of ours for sure. **this recipe is not heart <3 healthy but it is made with love and patience because that is exactly what it takes!
Love because I loved it as a child, as did my Father. I remember my Grandmother making home made fried okra and me sitting on the bar stool watching, talking and learning from her as she sliced, breaded and fried the okra till it was cooked to the point of being crunchy!

I'm not kidding it takes a couple of hours in order to follow her recipe. She laid them flat and used a fork to turn them individually as do I. This step is what it takes to cook them all evenly as she did. I walk off and do something else while they fry in the skillet and it works well.

Patience well to spend the time it takes frying them speaks for itself. I never understood why we only had in once in a while, maybe a couple of times a year. Now grown, fixing it myself I totally get it. It is a special treat.

The funny thing is that as the smell of it fills your kitchen the 1st batch is always eaten because it takes so long so she always cooked enough for 3-4 batches and so do I.

Okay here's the recipe, simple as that!

  • Fresh Okra sliced or Frozen sliced; thawed in a bowl
  • Sprinkle with Kosher Salt and then
  • Pour Cornmeal over it.
  • Use your hands and make sure every piece is coated. Just keep adding until they are covered. 

Heat vegetable oil in pan or electric skillet till frying temperature.
( test with a popcorn kernel it will pop or the end of a wooden spoon, bubbles will be all over the bottom )

Put okra into hot oil 1/2 " deep in single layer; fry until brown, then using a fork flip over the pieces that are most done 1st. Let go until they are brown. I say about 30 minutes; then scoop them out onto paper towel lined cookie sheet and sprinkle with more Kosher Salt.


Monday, July 23, 2012

Delicious Cheese and Corn Dip

My mother in law has made this dip
Over the years and I just love it! The taste and texture are enjoyed by u all so here it is:
1 14oz Can Corn; drained
1 2 cup package Finely Shredded Mexican Blend or Sharp Cheddar
1 or 2 jalepeno's seeded and diced
1/2 cup salsa we like medium
1/2 cup mayonnaise
1/2 cup sour cream
1/2 tsp granulated garlic powder
1/4 pepper

Drain corn and put into large bowl, add the rest of ingredients and chill for best flavor. Then enjoy with your favorite chips and or crackers and enjoy! This only last 1 day in our house!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Angel Food and PineApple Muffins

Ok, it's a hot sunny summer day here in Texas. We came in from church and had our friend Chris at the gate waiting for us! A nice surprise and the 1 time I didn't take my phone with me! Thank the Lord we have shade on the outside of the gate where he was waiting.

While David and Chris were talking I decided to try out another pinned recipe. I've often been confused at what makes a muffin different from a cupcake? After talking with my husband and daughter our thinking is muffin = no icing. So there you go, simple as this recipe as well.

2 Step Muffins
Angel Food and Pineapple

1 box Angel Food
1 14 oz can Crushed Pineapple

Mix together well, batter gets light and fluffy. Fill muffin pan with liners the. Full with the fluffy batter. Bake 350 degrees for 20-25 minutes or until golden brown on top.
Keep an eye on them and enjoy a fat free muffin with delicious flavor!!

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Biscuit Donuts

I remember these from when I was a kid. My grandmother used to make them when she wanted something quick and easy. I forgot until I pinned a recipe the other day. So easy ad delish!
1 can biscuits ( non-flaky )
Vegetable Oil

I used my electric skillet and covered the bottom in oil.
* use the bottom of a wood spoon to test temperature for frying, little bubbles will be all over the butt of the spoon*

They were so quick and easy. I used the standard biscuit size and cut a hole with my apple corer, you could just have them e a puff but we like the donut holes almost as much as the donuts themselves.

Heat the oil, test with bottom of wood spoon

Open and separate biscuits cut out holes if desired

Mix about 1 cup of sugar and enough cinnamon to turn sugar a little brown.

Fry donuts till they puff a little and you can tell they are brown on bottom. Then flip ad brown the other side.

Remove from oil then dip into sugar mix and enjoy!! They really do melt in your mouth! Enjoy!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012


Oh, how I love seeing God's beauty all around! I was taking Kendall to her VBS (Vacation Bible School) and driving down our driveway when something big and orange caught my eye out by our pond/tank.

How exciting! It never gets old to see a beautiful deer just looking patiently at us. I stopped, the deer and I just looked at one another. We drove on down to the gate and Kendall realized she had forgotten her "Bible" glasses she made last night. It's almost 6 and that's when she's supposed to be there but the church is just 1 mile down the road so I turned around in hopes I could get a picture of the wonderful deer we had just seen.

Thrilled I got my iPhone camera ready and saw her still there nibbling the brush and by the water in the tank. I stopped and took my picture! I would love to have a real camera but am so blessed to have this phone that has one in it! So I'd like to share the graceful wild animal that posed for me!!

Oh and we still got to VBS with our Bible glasses on and on time!!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


My family and I love fall, the cool weather, the smell of rain, the seasonal vegetables and fruits and the break from our Texas summer heat!  With that said my Fall Board on Pintrest has many pins.  Anything says pumpkin and I'm all over it!  I just love the word pumpkin, all the different sizes and all the things you can do with them!  From their beautiful orange colors of fall and the decorating things you can do, baking, eating, carving or using as a soup bowl they are just one of my all time favorite things!!  With that said let me share the most simple, delightful, moist, delicious, quick and simple PUMPKIN MUFFINS.... a weight watchers special!!  No eggs, Oil needed just cake mix and a can of pumpkin!  Woo Hoo!!  p.s.  all were gone in 2 days and for a family of 3 that's a big deal!! 

I am so looking forward to making it with the Spiced Cake mix and the Chocolate Cake mix too!

Curried Cauliflower

This recipe we tried the night before last was simple, easy and good.  However, it didn't taste
like popcorn to us but we will make it again because it is also good for you!  Enjoy and let me know what
you think?  Comments welcome....  p.s.  I just figured out how to put the picture and the link in!  I'm so excited!  It's just the little things that make me smile and bring joy  :) 

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Country Living/Grasshopperville

First, you have to understand I am totally freaked out by grasshoppers!  We live in Texas and on acreage.  Unfortunately as I have mentioned before we don't have a tractor.  So the grasshoppers just love our yard.  My daughter who is 11 has discovered thanks to her father how to really scare me!  She runs through the yard and they fly every which way all over the place and she laughs as I shutter at what she is doing!!

When we leave our house we have one gate that surrounds the house.  We have to get out to open it and she is doing this for me as the grasshoppers are all around.  We drive down the driveway and it is like the parting of the Red Sea I kid you not!  They end up on my hood, my windshield wipers and it's just freaky!  Well I don't get out to do the gate at the road I ask my daughter to do it.  She is such a great help and I have raised her not to have a fear of them since she was a baby.  I thank God she does so well with it and I get tickled at her humor!  It's just like her father's my sweet husband.

Well yesterday my husband and I took her into Forth Worth and met her grand parents for their spend the night visit.  David and I enjoyed our day together and have a special quiet date night.  He had to work on Sunday/today.  So I needed to get out and when those things started flying everywhere I finally got the way to do it!  I drove all the way to the gate, let them fly, then put the car in reverse, backed up a little and drove up to the gate again!  Woo Hoo!! Grasshoppers were no where by me!  This was very exciting!!  Now I've been doing Pintrest and going to test some of my pins to get rid of them!  We shall see how this goes and I'll post my findings!  Till then, have a wonderful day!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Well as the summer days get hotter it is so nice to have rain showers blow in!  We went from 99 to 80 within a few minutes today.  The gusts of wind were incredible and knocked over our shade umbrella and blew sand around to look like dirt tornado's blowing around.  As we went out today to get some Olive Oil and 4 spray bottles to complete all my Pintrest pins or something else requiring a spray bottle I had to stay in my care through our gate from grasshopper fear.....

We live in a rural area; we are on acreage and unfortunately do not have a tractor to keep the wild brush down.  After 10 years hear I have to admire my husband tremendously for the amount of work he puts into keeping my daughter and I out of a jungle forest of Mesquite trees and every large prairie grass, weed or cactus you can imagine!  Let me see if I can explain a little.  Here is some of my back yard.....  as you can see we do have neighbors but we only see them from a distance.

This photo was taken right before we got some much needed rain.  The sky is always so beautiful and amazing I photograph it a lot.  I am amazed at God's beauty all around.  The weeds are not tall in this photo I will have to take one of what we have now to share what we see now.

I pinned on my Pintrest Board under Gardening or Helpful Solutions the recipes for the 4 spray bottles I desire to make and use/try.  Please forgive me if I do not link them right as I don't know how.  I am trying and learning as I go and very new to this whole thing.  I do keep the original pins and refer back to them for correct credit.  

I look forward to showing the up-grown area we now live in and God bless my husband for keeping our fenced in yard mowed with his push mower.  He spends around 3 hours a weekend doing just that on top of working over 40 hours plus his 2nd part time job!  Thank God he loves what he does and the people he works with!  I agree, they are wonderful and he is happy.

My PAM / Home made oil spray

Found this on Pintrest and had to try it too! Saving money is a big deal these days and trying all I can to save in areas I can and at the same time cut down on chemicals and go more natural. So I made this spray as I'm always out of my oil spray when I need it and never have liked the chemicals that come with it! So I followed a pin and this is what I have.
1 part Olive Oil
5 parts water ( I used Ozarka)
Shake before spraying and we will see how it goes!  I DO NOT RECOMMEND THIS!! IT TURNED FOGGY AND WE THROUGH IT AWAY!!!!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Peanut Butter Banana Toast

Wheat bread, toasted, top with peanut butter, sliced bananas, I drizzled honey on top and we enjoy them and they are now a breakfast staple.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Bandaid Get Well Card

I have made several and I think these are so cute and a fun way to brighten the persons day. All you need is:
- 3 or so band aids
- Google eyes; different sizes, colors be creative
- card stock
- glue

Cut the top and bottom of band aids off then place them where you want. Glue the google eyes.

Write your well wishes inside.
I go this from my Pintrest board I think under For kids. Great idea I like using.

I now know how to link so wanted to share where I got my idea from.

I could not attach the photo but it is on my Pintrest Board Things I've Done/Learned from Pintrest :)

Banana Hanger

Because I've misplaced my banana tree I decided to use our paper towel holder to hang the bananas on in ripening stages! Quick fix and they are off the counter!

Banana Cream Dessert

We just love bananas and recipes that use them.  I stumbled across this recipe for a Banana Cream Dessert from my Taste Of Home back in 2003!  IT was a favorite and so easy I wanted to share it with.  Okay, here goes.

4 medium firm bananas, sliced
1/2 cup lemon juice
1-1/2 cups graham cracker crumbs (about 24 squares)
1/4 cup sugar
1/2 cup butter, melted
1 cup (8 oz) sour cream  (I use light) a msall
1 pkg (3.4 oz) instant vanilla pudding mix
1 carton (12 oz) frozen whipped topping, thawed

Optional: 1/3 cup peanuts, pecans or walnuts for garnish and a little crunch :)

Toss bananas with lemon juice; drain well and set aside.  In a bowl, combine the cracker crumbs, sugar and melted butter.  Press into 9" spring-form pan.  ( you could use a square baker too)
In a small mixing bowl, beat the sour cream and pudding mix on low speed for 2 minutes.  Fold in bananas and whipped topping.  Pour into prepared crust.  Chill for up to 6 hours.  Sprinkle with nuts if desired.

My little family did and it was gone almost as quick as I made it!

p.s. I'm still working to figure out how to add photos, buttons, tabs and all!  I'm such a newby I'm just excited I've gotten this far!  Hang with me it will be fun!