Sunday, July 15, 2012

Country Living/Grasshopperville

First, you have to understand I am totally freaked out by grasshoppers!  We live in Texas and on acreage.  Unfortunately as I have mentioned before we don't have a tractor.  So the grasshoppers just love our yard.  My daughter who is 11 has discovered thanks to her father how to really scare me!  She runs through the yard and they fly every which way all over the place and she laughs as I shutter at what she is doing!!

When we leave our house we have one gate that surrounds the house.  We have to get out to open it and she is doing this for me as the grasshoppers are all around.  We drive down the driveway and it is like the parting of the Red Sea I kid you not!  They end up on my hood, my windshield wipers and it's just freaky!  Well I don't get out to do the gate at the road I ask my daughter to do it.  She is such a great help and I have raised her not to have a fear of them since she was a baby.  I thank God she does so well with it and I get tickled at her humor!  It's just like her father's my sweet husband.

Well yesterday my husband and I took her into Forth Worth and met her grand parents for their spend the night visit.  David and I enjoyed our day together and have a special quiet date night.  He had to work on Sunday/today.  So I needed to get out and when those things started flying everywhere I finally got the way to do it!  I drove all the way to the gate, let them fly, then put the car in reverse, backed up a little and drove up to the gate again!  Woo Hoo!! Grasshoppers were no where by me!  This was very exciting!!  Now I've been doing Pintrest and going to test some of my pins to get rid of them!  We shall see how this goes and I'll post my findings!  Till then, have a wonderful day!

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